Saturday, May 26, 2012

Bridal affairs (1st appointment)

Although bridal affairs is in a hdb home,but the service was not bad after all.
When we reached,there is another couple before us so Christin who is running a one woman show attended to us n let us in and we wait for her in the living room.
Finally it was our turn as the last couple left,Christin led us to a room and served us water.
There are few packages to choose from and depends on your needs.
But in the package if you could not choose a wedding gown and groom's suit with pants in the basic range that you like.
The rest of the wedding gowns requires an additional top-up.
They have 4 category of top up for the wedding gown.
Classic,premium,super premium and elite.
For my case,most probably I won't be holding a wedding banquet.
Christin advise us that with the classic or premium wedding gown will be enough.
As today was the first visit to bridal affairs,with the explaining of 2 packages to us and actual day photography and videography i felt the time for trying the gown was limited.
Having only tried 3 wedding gowns,we make another appointment again.
The 2nd appointment will be in Jun 2012.
Will update again then.

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