Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Dolphins transform into humans

I had a dream last night.I was in a place in a rainforest and i got startled upon seeing a toad which was totally brown,more of sepia brown,size was about 13cm big.
There was someone who took away the toad.
But I did not see a person in my dream, just a hand, as I was afraid of toad,couldn't be possibly be my own hand!
As I walk further on, I seems to reach a town and the person that took away the toad also walk with me.
The building there were mostly vintage wooden shophouses, we went into one of the shophouses.
The place looks like a hostel and no one was at the front counter, we called out if there is anyone?
No one replied, so we decided to wait awhile.
We discovered a wooden tank with the top cover,the tank is filled with water.
To my surprise, the person who helped to took away the toad, put the toad into the water.
So all along the person have been carrying the toad.
Also,there were dolphins in the tank, I love dolphins but how could 5 dolphins be inside a wooden tank which is 1.5m by 0.9m?
I tried to touch them and the water became a whirlpool.
Slowly one by one jump out of the tank and transform to a human and all the 5 dolphins tranforms into a teenager guys.
One of them went straight to the front counter and ask how can he help me?
I was amazed by what had happen and I asked,"How do you do that?"
He did not reply but smiled cheerfully and said "Let me introduce my brothers to you."
After the introduction,he said "Oh, my another bro has not come back."
Speaking of the devil, the bro that he wanted to introduced to me,came back.
All of them were friendly but I was puzzled as to why he need to introduce all his brothers to me.
And my dream ended.

I had google on the toad I saw in my dream but could not find a close match to my dream.
There is no stressful or special happy occassion that has happened before this dream.
So I'm quite happy to see dolphins in my dream.

From the western dream books.
Meaning of dreaming dolphins
To see a dolphin in your dream symbolizes spiritual guidance, intellect, mental attributes and emotional trust.
The dream is usually an inspirational one, encouraging you to utilize your mind to its capacity and move upward in life.
Alternatively, it suggests that a line of communication has been established between the conscious and subconscious aspects of yourself.
Dolphins represent your willingness and ability to explore and navigate through your emotions.

Meaning of dreaming toads
To see a toad in your dream suggests that you are trying to hide your true Self.
You need to let the beauty from within shine through.

From the chinese dream books (周公解梦)

梦中看到海豚戏水,表示你的债务在还没有偿清之前,会换好几个债权人,这并不是好梦。 海豚一般嘴尖,上下颌各有约101颗尖细的牙齿,主要以小鱼、乌贼、虾、蟹为食。海豚是一类智力发达、非常聪明的动物,它们既不像森林中胆小的动物那样见人就逃,也不像深山老林中的猛兽那样遇人就张牙舞爪,海豚总是表现出十分温顺可亲的样子与人接近,比起狗和马来,它们对待人类有时甚至更为友好。


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