Monday, August 26, 2013

I'm Pregnant

Last month when I missed my period, I did not feel something amiss.
Cos I was taking antibiotics when my period is coming.
So I thought, that's ok as I have experienced missing my period due to stress and medication.
And I wait for a week, my period not here yet.
I begin to suspect a little and told myself to wait for another week and see how it goes.
As I experienced missing a period once, but that was quite few years back.
Finally, total of 2 weeks wait and still not seeing my period.

16 July 2013
I went to google to find more info and ask my colleague that were pregnant before.
She started asking me if I'm pregnant and I really do not know since I have not tested on the pregnancy test kit.
I told her I was contemplating whether a not to test the kit cos even I'm really pregnant.
It's still early and in the ultrasound, I may not hear the heartbeat yet.
She asked me if I have any history of weak womb or had cyst before.
Telling her I do not have such history, she advise me to test for it.
To see if the egg or baby is healthy.
She made me anxious and thought, "Ok, I better test it tomorrow morning."

17 July 2013
Sun rises, time to test on the Clearblue test kit which I have been keeping in the drawer for few months.
Pee and waited for the lines to come out.
I waited less than 10 seconds and 2 lines appear.
I read the instructions and seems like my hcG level has more since my period is past 2 weeks overdue.
I think I may really be pregnant so started researching on gynae.
In the end, my colleague (Ann) who advise me on testing the kit, recommends her gynae to me.
Dr Lawrence Ang at Thomson Medical Centre, he delivers at Mount Alvernia and Thomson Medical Centre.
I called the number which Ann gave me and book an appointment.

20 July 2013 (1st appt)
My 1st appointment with Dr Ang.
He talks moderately fast and will ask you questions like tested on the urine test kit a not and your last period.
Also, telling you the important things like food or activity you should avoid.
And he did an ultrasound scan on my tummy & I'm already 5 weeks 5 days pregnant with a small heartbeat.
Will need to come back again on 02 Aug 2013 to see if the heartbeat gets stronger.
My estimated due date will be 17 Mar 2014.
1st ultrasound scan (20 July 2013)

Finishing the ultrasound scan, we proceed to the counter for payment.
Since it is my 1st time gynae & am pregnant, the clinic have some freebies for me.

Freebies given by Dr Ang clinic
02 Aug 2013 (2nd appt)
The heartbeat did gets stronger.
My next appointment will be on 29 Aug 2013 for the 12 weeks scan.
2nd ultrasound scan (02 Aug 2013)

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